Home Bewerbung schreiben Bewerbung schreiben Persönliche Informationen Name * E-Mail * Bitte gib eine gültige Email-Adresse an, da Du an diese Email-Adresse alle Benachrichtigungen zu Deiner Bewerbung erhältst. Name * EQ Character name Email * Please provide a valid email-address, because you will get all notifications about your application to the provied email-address. Class * BardBeastlordBerserkerClericDruidEnchanterMagicianMonkNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueShadow KnightShamanWarriorWizard Race * BarbarianDark ElfDrakkinDwarfEruditeFroglokGnomeHalf ElfHalflingHigh ElfHumanIksarOgreTrollVah ShirWood Elf Level * Number of AAs * Magelo Number * (optional for FnF, you can enter 0) Current Flags * Epic 1.0 * Yes No Epic 1.5/2.x * None 1.5 2.0 2.5 Application Type * Raid Force Friends and Family Timezone * EasternCentralMountainPacificEuropeanOther What days of the week can you play? * SunMonTueWedThur Who do you know in Firestormers, and have you spoken with them about being your sponsor? * If you already know everything about your class and are a solid raider, you do not need a sponsor. How long have you been on Povar? If you are not a current native of Povar what server are you on and how did you hear about Firestormers? * Bestätigungscode Bestätigungscode Bewerbung absenden Zurücksetzen